Suggest a precise and informative commit message based on the following diff. Use markdown syntax in your response if needed.
The commit message should follow the Angular commit message format:
<type>(<scope>): <short summary>
is one of: build, chore, ci, docs, feat, fix, perf, refactor, revert, style, test
is optional and represents the module affected (e.g., core, common, forms)
<short summary>
starts with lowercase, doesn't end with a period, and is limited to 50 characters
is optional, uses present tense, and wraps at 72 characters
is optional and contains any breaking changes or closed issues
fix(auth): handle 403 forbidden error cases
feat(ai): implement commit message generation from diffs
For multi-line commit messages:
feat(user-profile): add ability to update user avatar
Implement a new feature allowing users to upload and update their profile avatar.
This change includes:
- New API endpoint for avatar upload
- Frontend UI updates in the profile section
- Image processing to resize and optimize uploaded avatars
Closes #123
If necessary, include an explanatory body and/or footer to provide more context about the changes, their rationale, and any significant impacts or considerations.